Art isn’t precious, life is 


As children we’re taught the difference between what’s right and wrong, good and bad, there are basic rules. Then you grow up into this world and realise how things really work and cynicism, distrust and, worst of all, numbness follows 


It’s easy to share a story, make a comment, write words of outrage and solidarity behind the safety of my screen. It takes nothing and no time

It’s probably even easier to look away from the graphic, violent horror, grievous injuries, death and unfathomable pain and suffering and refer to the complexity of “these matters”. Fearful of consequences, of speaking up when our peers are silent, fearful of shaking the status quo. Fearful of losing everything we worked so hard for.

We’ve seen the work of artists and academics being cancelled for taking a pro- Palestine stance, and sure it’s “safer” to keep our mouths shut and political statements to ourselves for fear of missing out on an opportunity or a festival or whatever. Organisations and institutions weren’t silent in their support for Ukraine back in 2022, and rightly so. But silence now is definitely not neutral. It’s deafening. 


Let’s be clear - calling for a ceasefire is not even political, it’s basic humanity. And being labelled antisemitic or punished for it is dystopian and twisted.


Calling for an end to Apartheid and sale of weapons could be considered political, but it’s not. Most people call for those things from a basic understanding of human rights. The right to LIFE and SELF DETERMINATION.


When all is said and done can our precious art really fill the void in our soul and justify our silence and inaction in this shameful moment where the basic humanity of some is completely ripped away and the basic humanity of those in power is so blatantly and brazenly suppressed at best, non- existent at worst and it becomes so glaringly obvious just how sick on money and power this world order actually is. And you feel like a blinkered fool for ignoring, playing along and benefitting from it for so long. In fact we’ve not only benefitted, but flourished in this system. 


What the hell! Is this hell? Imagine 17,000+ children and babies (some with severe injuries, newly acquired disabilities and all with unimaginable trauma) are ALONE, no surviving family. Alone in this world. This is hell. Shameful hell. 

What does the future look like for those who manage to survive this hell?

If we can’t scream for this to stop, for the freedom of Palestine, for International humanitarian law to actually be respected and upheld, worldwide, what does the future hold for humanity?

There’s no going back now. The machine is broken. It’s painful and difficult but there’s no going back to way things were. We are all altered by this. 


Life is precious and without it, art is meaningless.


Humanity is begging for an immediate ceasefire and justice 

Too late for too many. But not for those still living. 

Emma Martin, 16th February 2024


Read and Sign the Statement on Palestine from the Dance Community in Ireland

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